Writing is a calling, not a choice:*

It feels so nice to be writing after the longest time. There are so many travel stories, thoughts and topics that I have to write about, and it is only being procrastinated and not penned down. I need to get back to my writing, on a regular basis. It gives me another level of satisfaction, corralling down my views and sharing makes it more worthwhile because there are many who can relate and think on the same lines as I do. Writing is a win- win situation; it increases our vocabulary, a hobby perfect for spending some time alone by oneself, and when the writing completes, our mind is relieved of the number of thoughts that keeps rotating.  It gives answers to many questions that we are in search for. It surely acts as a stress buster.

There is no particular time to write, but the best time for me is early mornings or late afternoons. As I look at the sunset and different formation of clouds, the orange tinge in the sky, the greens all around, the clear blues, the beautiful nature that we are have been bestowed, I change my topic from writing about nature of people to how influential writing can be. This is what the falling of leaves, different color of greens, swaying of branches in the trees and the gush of wind does. It makes me want to experience more of what I see, calls to me that I had been missing all of this. It makes me write about how we have taken for granted the most charismatic things, which are available freely. How we are busy in our everyday schedule that we do not have time to see the morning sunrise, the prettiest sight of moon, or even spend ten minutes with our mother nature.

One need not do a course in writing to start to write. Many maintain a journal, some write a diary, and some are professional writers. It depends on each person on what they want to write about and how they want to phrase it. Writing is not about complex words; rather it is a feeling. Some are regular writers while others write only when a situation or a thought provokes them. Some write for themselves, and some choose to be a voice to the generals.

All I would say is if you have not indulged in the process pf writing, you are missing out the most powerful tool that you have, which is available free. If you do have a blog, which has no update for months, or years, it is time to use the domain.

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