The joy of GIVING::*

All of us must have read a poem of the GIVING TREE. If not you can GOOGLE and do read it *The Giving Tree written by Shel Silverstien*. This is one of the poem which has left a great impact on me. We all know nothing Lasts Forever. Its just that one moment that one time that we have been given and we can just walk away or give our hand to the needy. Just an incident which i can recollect . I was walking across the street going for work at a bank and i just heard a screech . When i looked back an accident had happened between two wheelers. It was not much of a scene as the rider on the other bike fled away.And the old man did not get badly hurt as it was a minor accident. He took his bike on the side and  when he saw his ankle he was bleeding. I happened to pass right by his side and i usually keep a band-aid which i offered him and  luckily the chemist shop was right there . So i got him some cotton and antiseptic cream . And gave him some water which was inside my bag. And this old man thanked me and said ” You were an angel for me “. Trust me :: These words which I had no idea was coming made my whole week. Somewhere i started feeling good.

It has been quite a few times that at the times of need there are angels right beside  and are helping us. I am sure all of us have experienced that. The small things that we do leaves such an impact in the other person’s life which cannot even be explained. For example, when we are walking down the road and we see a poor kid it would not cost us much buying that Rs. 10 biscuit and giving it or probably get a piggy bank in the house and put a tenner everyday once you get out of the house .And when the pile of ten becomes thousands you can use it for the good cause. These are not social service neither you have to be working in a NGO or become a social activist . Its just on the everyday routine the situations we come across. It will create more of an impact if we could get the poor kid to study and he will not have to sit around the corner and ask for help anymore. I know this is asking for way too much and there are organizations solving these problems but the simple things can be done by us. Its really sad on seeing our human nature being so Selfish and self-centered.We have been so educated and developed with the times and being in he 21st century we are forgetting the Joy – The joy of Helping ::)   Moreover  If we enlighten ourselves the world will be a better place to stay for all of us.

And the famous line by Leo Tolstoy is so apt in this writing :- What much land does a man need?? All the land that he needs is a six foot long grave.


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